Caring for your sign
Any sign that you purchase will need some maintenance. Although some signs require less maintenance than others, no signs are entirely maintenance free. A good quality sign should last for many years (this can depend on the type of sign), but most signs will need to have a full overhaul or invest in a new one at some stage. Although if you do keep up illuminated sign maintenance, then there is no reason that your sign should’nt last you for years, even decades.
We are often contacted by new and old clients to have a look at their old sign and see if it can be repaired or if a new one is required. We were recently contacted by long standing clients – The Pancake Manor to look at their inner city sign. This sign had been insitu for many years and in such a difficult to reach high traffic area, maintenance on this sign is difficult. We had a look at this sign, and decided to advise our client that the only safe option would be to manufacture a new sign as the old sign had a dangerous amount of rust and could not be repaired.

It is amazing though how much rust was really in this sign. It is import for all sign owners to ensure that they regularly have their signs checked, either by themselves or a professional as a sign that is poorly maintained or very old can become a health and safety hazard, especially if it feel to the ground.
This clients sign was decades old and this grand old lady had really done its duty to this restaurant that is a well-known icon in the Brisbane CBD.

By Claire Cox