Signage Queensland understands how important your boat, yacht or other marine craft are to you and your family. We are specialists in all types of marine signage, no matter the size. We are able to provide signage for both fibreglass and aluminium boats and you can have any design you desire. You can either have your signage, painted on in traditional style, digitally printed or cut out vinyl. Cut out vinyl will last the longest. We are also conveniently located at Redcliffe, so we are more than happy to do you signs straight from your boat dealer.
All boat registrations must be 200mm high, this is required by law. There is no law regarding boat names and designs, so feel free to let your creative juices flow. If you have an idea, but are unsure as to how to make it a reality our skilled signwriters will be able to produce a layout for you that will put your thoughts into reality.